StormBirds. For clarity, calm, and confidence during crises.
We are dedicated to preparing you for the unexpected, safeguarding your reputation and financial interests, seizing opportunities, and steering you through challenges with unwavering confidence.
We provide tailored solutions for unique challenges through:
Strategic mastery
Tailored plans that guide you through uncertainty with precision
Considered communications
Ensuring your message is clear and compelling.
Dynamic engagement
Expert liaison with stakeholders and media to fortify your position.
Expert advice
Insightful guidance from seasoned professionals to help you make informed decisions and navigate complexities with ease.
With StormBirds, you’re not just weathering the storm,
you’re mastering it.
It has been a genuine pleasure working with you over the past couple of years and your hard work and commitment have greatly contributed to the professional organisation our company has started to become in recent time.
SCChief Operating Officer
We engaged Leonie’s services to help navigate a new and challenging landscape in the aftermath of an unprecedented natural disaster event and closure of a major local industry. Leonie’s professionalism, advice and expertise were instrumental in helping to guide our communications strategic response. Through Leonie’s expertise we have now developed a specialist communications framework for future use in disaster events.
ETTourism and Economic Development Officer
Leonie is great to work with. An absolute professional and a voice of calm when there are challenging issues to be dealt with. Her PR instincts are second to none and her smarts, warmth of humour - even when deadlines are looming - make her one of the best.
JPGeneral Manager
Fantastic communicator, adept in media, and always goes beyond expectations to help get clients a great result. Leonie's experience crosses many fields, and is highly regarded in mainstream media circles. Passionate, able, and committed. Just what you want when it comes to public relations.
“Crisis management is something you don't need unless something's gone wrong. If you need it, don't try to do it yourself - get an expert.”
If you’ve got a crisis on your hands and one good decision could mean the difference between your business surviving or disappearing, then engaging Leonie and the team at Stormbirds is that one good decision.
Leonie steered us through many news cycles, good and bad, with the company’s reputation and social license in the prime of health.
Better still, if your business or organisation needs reputational risks managed and planned for - before they get tested in the full glare of public scrutiny! – be they personnel, environmental, legal or the thing you never imagined, then Leonie and Stormbirds are the experts to get your organisation prepared.
Leonie’s skills and experience in media and risk management are second to none. She is a consummate professional and a pleasure to work with. I am happy to recommend her and Stormbirds.
BJBusiness Development Manager
I worked with Leonie Vandeven for almost 10 years and will always jump at the chance to commend her for years of great advice, passionate work ethic and values-based decision making. Leonie strongly believes in transparency, integrity and trust, and will always steer an organisation in the direction that’s in their best interests. Dependable, trustworthy and honest - Leonie can make good decisions quickly in a time of crisis and maintain the same direction throughout every day operations.
WWSenior Leader
LV is one of the best in the business when it comes to corporate and crisis communications as well as media relations. If you what the right advice without fear or favour, than LV is your person.
CHGeneral Manager
Leonie has a depth of experience that allows her to quickly sum up the situation & identify a strategy for your particular needs, great connections & reputation across all forms of media, an ability to think on her feet at lightening speed and a sense of humour that will keep everything and everyone afloat even in the most dire moments.
STCompany Secretary
I worked directly with Leonie as the client on a course that I teach and can vouch for her significant expertise in issue and risk management and strategic communication. Leonie is a highly skilled communicator who operates at the very highest level whatever the circumstances.
Dr. CWUniversity Professor
Strategic, cool under pressure and an excellent communicator. Leonie creates a clear and direct path when it’s important for a message to be heard, whether it be in a pro active or reactive situation.
CNGeneral Manager
Leonie is a highly skilled, professional communicator. Her expertise in the areas of strategic communication planning, and issues and risk management, combined with her specialist knowledge of media across all platforms, define her as a leader in the communication field.
Having worked directly with Leonie on a number of major projects, I have first-hand knowledge of her high-level communication skills and her ability to quickly identify and respond to communication challenges in a way that addresses the needs of all stakeholders and audiences. In addition, her attention to detail and her focus on results are assets that clients will find invaluable.
I am sure clients will benefit greatly from the extensive communication experience that they will bring to any project.
I had the pleasure of working with Leonie on numerous stories for The Australian and The Courier-Mail and found her to be the consummate professional, skilled at managing media expectations and demands, always charming and never short of creative new ideas. I would love her to open a school for PR professionals to show how it's done!
RISenior Journalist