Power in planning

If you do not know where you are going and how you are going to get there, what you have is a plan to fail.  Foresight is not a crystal ball, it is the result of managing and measuring your business, scanning the environment, and anticipating all eventualities.  It is about harnessing the power of planning to set your organisation up to succeed. Building solid relationships, strategy, and procedure when the going is good, will help protect and strengthen your organisation through change and challenge.  Having managed situations from small board restructures, executive leadership programs, whole of government strategy and business redundancies, to complex infrastructure commissioning, natural disasters and high-profile international events – we can provide plans, services, workshop facilitation, and advice, in the areas of:

Leadership coaching

Most leaders are made, not born and good leaders become great leaders because they are not afraid to continually ask questions of themselves and others.  Effective leaders seek expert advice when needed.  StormBirds can provide a sounding board, strategic advice and different perspectives for issues impacting your leaders, mentor executives to meet emerging career needs, and walk your executive team through effective and meaningful planning.

Board governance and strategy

If your Board meetings grow tension and conflict, we help you build trust.  If your meetings are aimless and repetitive, we work with you to find focus.  If you have lots of ideas but no outcomes, we work with you to create strategy and commitment. StormBirds offers meeting observers to improve Board effectiveness, strategy workshops to move Boards forward, and upskilling and mentoring for Board members.

Organisational culture and engagement

Organisational culture is deeply embedded, difficult to change and can be the difference between business success or failure.  We work with you to build a mutually beneficial coalition with your stakeholders – who are your greatest asset and knowledge base – by building systems and communications that actively engage your staff and customers in creating and growing your business. We help you plan creative engagement and implement ideas and innovations that build trust, collaboration, connectedness, and social capital.

Organisational realignment and staff transition

Rearranging the deck chairs is often the first thing organisations consider whether the ship is sinking or just changing course. We work with you to determine your purpose, align the skills and capabilities required, determine what does and doesn’t need to change, and help you to ensure the right people are doing the right things. With experience in large scale redundancies, we co-create respectful and innovative transition plans to help move staff on, while rebuilding productive and positive teams in the wake. You will be judged by those left behind on how you supported others to leave and it is important to treat everyone with dignity and kindness.

Strategic and operational planning

Many leadership teams approach annual planning processes with a sense of dread. We put purpose and passion back into setting the vision for the organisation and the high-level goals and business activity to achieve it.  We also translate vision into an operational plan that articulates which systems, people, processes, measurement, innovation, and resources are needed to achieve these goals.  We offer workshop facilitation for strategic and operational plan development, and communication and change strategies for setting and embedding a new organisational direction.

Scenario planning and facilitation

StormBirds works with you to take the ‘un’ out of ‘unexpected’ by identifying and modelling responses to a variety of possible crisis scenarios. You and your team will have practiced clear and structured responses and be able to maintain business continuity when disaster strikes. Knowing what to do and feeling well prepared boosts your organisational resilience and recovery.